Participation (scheme) for Children

Do you have one or more children? And is your income low? That can make it very difficult to let your children participate in all kinds of activities.

At Fijnder we find it very important that all children can participate and for this reason we’ve developed the participation (‘meedoen ’) scheme for children. Below we’ll explain all about the scheme and how you can join it.

All about the participation scheme  for children

Some basic facilities and activities should be available for everyone, including children. Through the participation scheme for children, you may receive an allowance per child up to the age of 18 for things like school trips, sports activities, visits to the theatre or music lessons. It can also be a contribution towards school expenses, swimming lessons or a computer to do your homework on. 

How to join the participation scheme for children

Residents of the municipalities Berkelland, Oost Gelre and Winterswijk on a low income may be eligible for the participation scheme for children. Each application is assessed separately. Nevertheless, there are general rules. For example, the specific family situation and the level of income determine whether you are eligible, or not. In most cases, single or married parents on an income equal to or slightly higher than the level of social assistance are entitled to join the children's participation scheme. 
If you’d like to join the scheme, please fill in the form 'Aanvragen Bijzondere Bijstand’ (application for special assistance) to apply for the participation scheme for children

Amounts of the children's participation scheme per municipality

The allowances according to the participation scheme for children differ per municipality. Below you will find an overview of these allowances. 

Social, cultural and sports activities, such as membership of a sports or drama club.
Municipality of BerkellandMunicipality of WinterswijkMunicipality of Oost Gelre
Max. € 200,- per child up to 18 years  (incl. school costs for primary and secondary education).Max. € 200,- per child up to 4 years 
Max. € 425,- per child 4-12 years (incl. school costs for primary and secondary education).
Max. € 500 per child 12-18 years (incl. school costs for primary and secondary education)
Max. € 350,- per child up to 18 years (incl. school costs for primary school and secondary education).


School contributions, such as the voluntary parental contribution, a school trip / school camp, a school bag. Playgroup (peuterspeelzaal ) visits are reimbursed in all municipalities if necessary.
Municipality of Berkelland
Primary school (basisschool): € 175,- per child
Secondary school (middelbare school): € 350,- per child                                                          


Swimming certificate
For children from the age of 4 years and upwards an allowance is available for swimming certificate A if they do not have a swimming certificate yet.
Municipality of BerkellandMunicipality of WinterswijkMunicipality of Oost Gelre
Max. € 300,-The full amount for obtaining swimming diploma A will be reimbursed.The full amount for obtaining swimming diploma A will be reimbursed.


Municipality of BerkellandMunicipality of WinterswijkMunicipality of Oost Gelre
Max. € 500,- every 5 years for one computer for children up to 18 years old in secondary school or vocational education (MBO).

Max. € 500,- every 5 years for one computer for children up to 18 years old in secondary school or vocational education (MBO).

Max. € 500,- every 5 years for one computer for children up to 18 years old in secondary school or vocational education (MBO).

Join the ‘Meedoen ’ app

Are you entitled to join the participation scheme  for children? If so, you’ll receive a letter from  Fijnder. That letter contains an activation code. With that code you can log into the webshop. Under the button 'Aanbod' (offer) you’ll find all the activities and courses as well as your credit. Your credit can also be found under the 'Mijn vouchers' button. And there you’ll find your personal QR code. With that QR code you can pay the organisation involved in the activity. You can print the QR code, e-mail it to yourself or show it on your phone in the 'Me – Focus' app . The app can be downloaded from the Google Playstore (Android) or App store (iOS). 

Would you like to participate? We’re here to help!

I’d like to offer an activity in the Meedoen App. How do I do that?

You’d like to offer an activity in the Meedoen App, that’s great! Since January 2020, we have been offering activities digitally with an automatic payment system. You can register your organisation via: In the manual you can read how you can register your activity step by step. Need any help? Please contact our application builder Forus on this number: 085 - 004 33 87.