The back-to-work-route
Would you like to find a job, but don’t know where to start? Together we can work out how you can find suitable work, work that fits your ne...
With the 'Fijnder-Werkt' app! you can check the available vacanies on your smartphone, at any time!
Supporting Entrepreneurs
Are you self-employed or do you want to become an entrepreneur, and could you use some help? Then you can go to the ROZ (regional organisati...
'Jouw Unit’ (Your Unit) Helps Young People
You go to school, have just quit, or lost your job or you’re looking for work, further education, or a work placement.
I am new to the Netherlands and need to integrate
You’re new to the Netherlands and would like to start a new life here. Fijnder can help you participate in Dutch society, to help you integr...