About the Client Council

The Client Council has been looking after the interest of Fijnder’s clients since the Regional Client Council Participation Act of 2015.

What does the Client Council do?

The Client Council looks after the rights and interests of Fijnder’s clients. The Client Council advises municipalities on how to implement the Participation Act, the IOAW (assistance for unemployed, elderly, disabled people), the IOAZ (assistance for self-employed, elderly, disabled people) and similar regulations. Usually, the municipalities will ask the Council for their advice, but the Council can also give advice without being asked for it.

The council does not deal with individual complaints. 


The Council meets every second Thursday of the month from 19.30h till 21.30h in the Fijnder building, Batterij 10-12 in Groenlo. The meetings are open to the public and are announced in the local papers and the Achterhoek Nieuws. You can read the minutes of recent meetings on: 'Agenda'

Who are the members of the Client Council?

The council is made up of Fijnder clients, members of the Seniorenraad (Senior Council), the Ouderenbond (Association of the Elderly), Humanitas and the FNV (trade union). 

Members of the Client Council
Annemarieke HuurnemanMirjam Mouw
Frank KnippenborgPhaome Malawau
Henk WalhofSaskia Roesink
Ineke ter HaarSylvia Ansink
Maja de Graaf 

There’s an independent chairman and a professional office assistant.